Results for 'Ole Petter Vestheim'

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  1.  10
    A Population Study of Relative Age Effects on National Tests in Reading Literacy.Ole Petter Vestheim, Magne Husby, Tore Kristian Aune, Ottar Bjerkeset & Terje Dalen - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Relative Age Effects and Gender Differences in the National Test of Numeracy: A Population Study of Norwegian Children.Tore K. Aune, Rolf P. Ingvaldsen, Ole P. Vestheim, Ottar Bjerkeset & Terje Dalen - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  3. Leibniz ja Eythyfronin dilemma.Markku Roinila - 2010 - In Kristian Klockars, Ilkka Niiniluoto & Kristina Rolin (eds.), Oikeus. University of Helsinki.
    Julkaisematta jääneessä muistiossaan Mietteitä oikeuden yleiskäsitteestä (1702-1703?) G. W. Leibniz muotoilee uudelleen Platonin Euthyfron-dialogissa esitetyn kuuluisan kysymyksen. Hän kirjoittaa: ”Myönnetään, että kaikki mitä Jumala tahtoo, on hyvää ja oikein. Sen sijaan kysytään, onko se hyvää ja oikein siksi että Jumala niin tahtoo, vai tahtooko Jumala sitä koska se on hyvää ja oikein. Eli kysytään, onko hyvyys tai oikeus jotakin mielivaltaista, vai koostuvatko ne asioiden luonnetta koskevista välttämättömistä ja ikuisista totuuksista, kuten luvut ja suhteet.” Universaaleja, ikuisia totuuksia puolustava filosofi ei voi (...)
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  4. Failure to detect mismatches between intention and outcome in a simple decision task.Petter Johansson, Lars Hall, Sverker Sikstrom & Andreas Olsson - 2005 - Science 310 (5745):116-119.
    A fundamental assumption of theories of decision-making is that we detect mismatches between intention and outcome, adjust our behavior in the face of error, and adapt to changing circumstances. Is this always the case? We investigated the relation between intention, choice, and introspection. Participants made choices between presented face pairs on the basis of attractiveness, while we covertly manipulated the relationship between choice and outcome that they experienced. Participants failed to notice conspicuous mismatches between their intended choice and the outcome (...)
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  5. How something can be said about telling more than we can know: On choice blindness and introspection.Petter Johansson, Lars Hall, Sverker Sikström, Betty Tärning & Andreas Lind - 2006 - Consciousness and Cognition 15 (4):673-692.
    The legacy of Nisbett and Wilson’s classic article, Telling More Than We Can Know: Verbal Reports on Mental Processes , is mixed. It is perhaps the most cited article in the recent history of consciousness studies, yet no empirical research program currently exists that continues the work presented in the article. To remedy this, we have introduced an experimental paradigm we call choice blindness [Johansson, P., Hall, L., Sikström, S., & Olsson, A. . Failure to detect mismatches between intention and (...)
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  6. A non-hylomorphic account of formal causation.Petter Sandstad & Ludger Jansen - 2021 - In Ludger Jansen & Petter Sandstad (eds.), Neo-Aristotelian Perspectives on Formal Causation. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
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    Understanding model power in social AI.Petter Bae Brandtzaeg, Marita Skjuve & Asbjørn Følstad - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-11.
    Given the widespread integration of Social AI like ChatGPT, Gemini, Copilot, and MyAI, in personal and professional contexts, it is crucial to understand their effects on information and knowledge processing, and individual autonomy. This paper builds on Bråten’s concept of model power, applying it to Social AI to offer a new perspective on the interaction dynamics between humans and AI. By reviewing recent user studies, we examine whether and how models of the world reflected in Social AI may disproportionately impact (...)
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  8. How is Bitcoin Money?Ole Bjerg - 2016 - Theory, Culture and Society 33 (1):53-72.
    Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer electronic payment system that operates as an independent currency. This paper is a philosophical investigation of the ontological constitution of Bitcoin. Using Slavoj Žižek’s ontological triad of the real, the symbolic and the imaginary, the paper distinguishes between three ideal typical theories of money: commodity theory, fiat theory, and credit theory. The constitution of Bitcoin is analysed by comparing the currency to each of these ideal types. It is argued that Bitcoin is commodity money without gold, (...)
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  9. An oscillatory mechanism for prioritizing salient unattended stimuli.Ole Jensen, Mathilde Bonnefond & Rufin VanRullen - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (4):200-206.
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    Heuristic Analogies in Aristotle's Posterior Analytics, Semantic Stretch of Terms, and Soundness or Fallaciousness of Analogies.Petter Sandstad - 2017 - Australasian Philosophical Review 1 (3):291-297.
    I present three critical points against G.E.R. Lloyd's ‘The Fortunes of Analogy’. First, I argue that Lloyd unduly criticises Aristotle's view of analogies. Second, I argue that Lloyd needs to discuss the means of limiting the semantic stretch of terms, for instance through the distinction between fiat and bona fide boundaries. Third, I point out some terminological issues in Lloyd's account, especially concerning the applicability of validity, soundness, and fallaciousness to analogies.
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  11. Kinds and Explanations.Petter Sandstad & Ludger Jansen - 2022 - In Mirosław Szatkowski (ed.), E. J. Lowe and Ontology. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 165-187.
    Sparrows fly because they are birds. This mushroom is poisonous because it is an Amanita muscaria. Pointing out the kind to which things belong explains many of their properties. Jonathan Lowe’s four-category ontology and his account of laws of nature provide a framework to account for the explanatory appeal of referring to kind membership. For Lowe, “Electron has Unit-negative charge” is a typical example for a law of nature: a kind universal characterized by a property universal. We present both Lowe’s (...)
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  12.  39
    Skepticism towards the Swedish vision zero for suicide: interviews with 12 psychiatrists.Petter Karlsson, Gert Helgesson, David Titelman, Manne Sjöstrand & Niklas Juth - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):26.
    The main causes of suicide and how suicide could and should be prevented are ongoing controversies in the scientific literature as well as in public media. In the bill on public health from 2008, the Swedish Parliament adopted an overarching “Vision Zero for Suicide” and nine strategies for suicide prevention. However, how the VZ should be interpreted in healthcare is unclear. The VZ has been criticized both from a philosophical perspective and against the background of clinical experience and alleged empirical (...)
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  13.  22
    Barbeyrac on Scepticism and on Grotian Modernity.Petter Korkman - 1999 - Grotiana 20 (1):77-105.
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    Bright New World.Ole Martin Moen - 2016 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 25 (2):282-287.
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  15. An Argument for Hedonism.Ole Martin Moen - 2016 - Journal of Value Inquiry 50 (2):267-281.
  16. Historical development of the concept of the Gene.Petter Portin - 2002 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 27 (3):257 – 286.
    The classical view of the gene prevailing during the 1910s and 1930s comprehended the gene as the indivisible unit of genetic transmission, genetic recombination, gene mutation and gene function. The discovery of intragenic recombination in the early 1940s led to the neoclassical concept of the gene, which prevailed until the 1970s. In this view the gene or cistron, as it was now called, was divided into its constituent parts, the mutons and recons, materially identified as nucleotides. Each cistron was believed (...)
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  17. The phenomenology of intuition.Ole Koksvik - 2017 - Philosophy Compass 12 (1):e12387.
    When a person has an intuition, it seems to her that things are certain ways; to many it seems that torturing the innocent for fun is wrong, for example. When a person has an intuition, there is also something particular it is like to be her: intuitions have a characteristic phenomenal character. This article asks how the phenomenal character of intuition is related to two core core questions in the philosophy of intuition, namely: Is intuition a source of justification and (...)
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    Monuments to Academic Carelessness: The Self-fulfilling Prophecy of Katherine Frost Bruner.Ole Bjørn Rekdal - 2014 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 39 (5):744-758.
    In 1942, Katherine Frost Bruner published an article titled “Of psychological writing: Being some valedictory remarks on style.” It was published in Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, the journal for which she served as editorial assistant between 1937 and 1941. Her collection of advice to writing scholars has been widely quoted, including by several editions of The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. The most frequently quoted message in Bruner’s article deals with the importance of making sure that (...)
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    Rethinking Bildung in the Anthropocene: The Case of Wolfgang Klafki.Ole A. Kvamme - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (3).
    In this article, I discuss education in a time in the history when the human impact on Earth is massive and pervasive, with devastating consequences on the conditions for life. Within various academic fields, this era is increasingly distinguished as the Anthropocene. The term highlights the new, dominant position of the human species in Earth’s history, but is contentious, hiding as much as it reveals. Humanity is surely not one, but many, participating in a complex web of relations constituted by (...)
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    Using Choice Blindness to Study Decision Making and Introspection.Petter Johansson & Lars Hall - 2008 - In Peter Gärdenfors & Annika Wallin (eds.), Cognition - A Smorgasbord. pp. 267-283.
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    Sannhetssøker over evne?Petter Aaslestad - 2018 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 36 (1):208-220.
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    Chief executive officers as white–collar criminals: an empirical study.Petter Gottschalk - 2011 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 6 (4):385-396.
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    Barbeyrac and Natural Law.Petter Korkman - 2001
  24.  14
    Postcolonial Anarchographics: Re-drawing History in the Trantraal Brothers' Crossroads.Ole Birk Laursen - 2017 - Substance 46 (2):129-146.
    Focusing on visual and textual representations of squatting and women's resistances against apartheid in the comic book series Crossroads, this article examines how graphic history may enable a more nuanced understanding of anarchic resistances in the postcolonial context. A six-part comic series created by historian Koni Benson in collaboration with political cartoonists the Trantraal Brothers and Ashley Marais, and published by Cape Town's Isotrope Comics, Crossroads tells the story of women's organized resistance to the apartheid state in the Crossroads township (...)
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    Developing Japanese Populism Research through Readings Of European Populist Radical Right Studies: Populism As An Ideological Concept, Classifications Of Politicians And Explanations For Political Success.Petter Y. Lindgren - 2015 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 16 (4):574-592.
    Former Prime Minister Koizumi's surprising victory within the Liberal Democratic Party in 2001 and his subsequent popularity as prime minister led to increased interest in the study of populism in Japan. In addition to Ōtake Hideo's prominent contributions, several others have also employed populism as a prism to study Japanese politics. Compared to the major debates on populism and particularly on the populist radical right in Western Europe over the last two decades, however, the study of Japanese populism seems to (...)
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    Polarity in intracellular calcium signaling.Ole H. Petersen, Denis Burdakov & Alexei V. Tepikin - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (10):851-860.
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  27. Strange carers: Robots as attachment figures and aids to parenting.Dean Petters, Everett Waters & Felix D. Schönbrodt - 2010 - Interaction Studies 11 (2):246-252.
  28. (1 other version)Anti-exceptionalism about logic.Ole Thomassen Hjortland - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (3):631-658.
    Logic isn’t special. Its theories are continuous with science; its method continuous with scientific method. Logic isn’t a priori, nor are its truths analytic truths. Logical theories are revisable, and if they are revised, they are revised on the same grounds as scientific theories. These are the tenets of anti-exceptionalism about logic. The position is most famously defended by Quine, but has more recent advocates in Maddy, Priest, Russell, and Williamson. Although these authors agree on many methodological issues about logic, (...)
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  29. Logical Pluralism, Meaning-Variance, and Verbal Disputes.Ole Thomassen Hjortland - 2013 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 91 (2):355-373.
    Logical pluralism has been in vogue since JC Beall and Greg Restall 2006 articulated and defended a new pluralist thesis. Recent criticisms such as Priest 2006a and Field 2009 have suggested that there is a relationship between their type of logical pluralism and the meaning-variance thesis for logic. This is the claim, often associated with Quine 1970, that a change of logic entails a change of meaning. Here we explore the connection between logical pluralism and meaning-variance, both in general and (...)
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  30. Phenomenal Contrast: A Critique.Ole Koksvik - 2015 - American Philosophical Quarterly 52 (4):321-334.
    In some philosophical arguments an important role is played by the claim that certain situations differ from each other with respect to phenomenology. One class of such arguments are minimal pair arguments. These have been used to argue that there is cognitive phenomenology, that high-level properties are represented in perceptual experience, that understanding has phenomenology, and more. I argue that facts about our mental lives systematically block such arguments, reply to a range of objections, and apply my critique to some (...)
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  31. Aristotle on exceptions to essences in biology.Petter Sandstad - 2016 - In Strobel Benedikt & Wöhrle Georg (eds.), Angewandte Epistemologie in antiker Philosophie und Wissenschaft, AKAN-Einzelschriften 11. Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier. pp. 69-92.
    Exceptions are often cited as a counterargument against formal causation. Against this I argue that Aristotle explicitly allows for exceptions to essences in his biological writings, and that he has a means of explaining them through formal causation – though this means that he has to slightly elaborate on his general case theory from the Posterior Analytics, by supplementing it with a special case application in the biological writings. Specifically for Aristotle an essential predication need not be a universal predication. (...)
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    Intuition as Conscious Experience.Ole Koksvik - 2020 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    "The nature of intuition and its relation to other mental faculties, particularly perception, is one of the most hotly contested debates in philosophy of mind and psychology. Do intuitions justify belief or merely dispositions to believe? Is intuition a mental state with distinctive phenomenal qualities and if so, how do these differ from normal perceptual states? Drawing on the most recent philosophical research on intuition and perception, Ole Koksvik defends the idea that intuition not only justifies belief but can play (...)
  33.  87
    Speech Acts, Categoricity, and the Meanings of Logical Connectives.Ole Thomassen Hjortland - 2014 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 55 (4):445-467.
    In bilateral systems for classical logic, assertion and denial occur as primitive signs on formulas. Such systems lend themselves to an inferentialist story about how truth-conditional content of connectives can be determined by inference rules. In particular, for classical logic there is a bilateral proof system which has a property that Carnap in 1943 called categoricity. We show that categorical systems can be given for any finite many-valued logic using $n$-sided sequent calculus. These systems are understood as a further development (...)
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    The Logical Structure of Socrates’ Expert-Analogies.Petter Sandstad - 2017 - In Alessandro Stavru & Christopher Moore (eds.), Socrates and the Socratic Dialogue. Leiden: Brill. pp. 319-335.
    Socrates’ expert-analogies is frequent both in Plato’s dialogues and in the Socratic writings of Xenophon, and is also ascribed to Socrates by Aristotle and Aeschines. Socrates makes an analogy from a non-controversial expert (or an expertise) like the cobbler or ship-captain, to another (often controversial) expert (or expertise) like the statesman. This paper defends an interpretation of the expert-analogy as valid deductions. It infers from one type of expert (such as the ship-captain) to another type of expert (such as the (...)
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    Drug Addiction and Capitalism: Too Close to the Body.Ole Bjerg - 2008 - Body and Society 14 (2):1-22.
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    Music Education in the Sign of Deconstruction.Petter Dyndahl - 2008 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 16 (2):124-144.
    In this article, the aim is to address different forms of relationship between deconstruction, as coined by Jacques Derrida, and research perspectives on music education. Deconstruction represents a radical departure from Western ontology from Plato onward and its essentialistic notions of the metaphysics of presence. Instead, Derrida claims that signs, as well as texts, are decentered, that is, they are continually altering meaning in relation to other signs or texts, being in constant motion. Simultaneously, signs and texts, as well as (...)
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    Norwegian “Digital Border Defense” and Competence for the Unforeseen: A Grounded Theory Approach.Ole Boe & Glenn-Egil Torgersen - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  38. (1 other version)Disagreement about logic.Ole Thomassen Hjortland - 2020 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy:1-23.
    ABSTRACTWhat do we disagree about when we disagree about logic? On the face of it, classical and nonclassical logicians disagree about the laws of logic and the nature of logical properties. Yet, s...
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    19th Century Views on Induction in Moving Conductors.Ole Knudsen* - 1980 - Centaurus 24 (1):346-360.
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    På søken etter den integrerte kontekst.Petter Aaslestad - 2007 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 25 (1-2):448-452.
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  41. Poems and prose, representing in five parts several different characteristics and expressions of life.Ole Olafson Bracké - 1901 - Chicago,:
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    Promoting classical tolerance in public education: what should we do with the objection condition?Ole Henrik Borchgrevink Hansen - 2013 - Ethics and Education 8 (1):65 - 76.
    The article considers whether tolerance, in the classical liberal sense, should be promoted in public education. The most substantial counter-argument is that it is problematic to uphold the ?objection condition,? explained below, which is an integral part of classical tolerance, while maintaining tolerance as a virtue. As a response to this, I first discuss an alternative interpretation of tolerance ? ?tolerance as being open-minded, unprejudiced and positive towards difference.? I contend that this understanding is not the preferable one in public (...)
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    Management philosophy: a radical-normative perspective.Ole Fogh Kirkeby - 2000 - New York: Springer.
    This book opens a new field within business science: management philosophy. This discipline gives a thorough and critical foundation of a theory of management and leadership beyond any talk of "value-based" management, and "ethical accounting". It presents an uncompromising picture of the real leader through a set of leadership virtues, focusing on human duties, not on human rights. The book demonstrates that only through philosophy it is possible to establish a genuine science of management, overcoming the pressures of functionalism, opportunism (...)
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  44. En hvepserede: læringsstile i e-learning.Ole Lauridsen - 2003 - Hermes 30:57-73.
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    The Problem of Political Authority: An Examination of the Right to Coerce and the Duty to Obey.Ole Martin Moen - 2014 - Philosophical Quarterly 64 (254):198-200.
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    Kampen om de moderne ideers fortid,nutid og fremtid.Ole Morsing - 2018 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 35 (2-3):422-434.
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    Choice blindness and the non-unitary nature of the mind (Commentary on von Hippel and Trivers).Johansson Petter - 2011 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 34 (1):28-29.
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    Strange carers.Dean Petters, Everett Waters & Felix D. Schönbrodt - 2010 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 11 (2):246-252.
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    Religious Pluralism in a Local and Global Perspective: Images of the Prophet Mohammed Seen in a Danish and a Global Context.Ole Riis - 2007 - In Peter Beyer & Lori Gail Beaman (eds.), Religion, globalization and culture. Boston: Brill. pp. 431--52.
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  50. Missing the Felt Sense: When Correct Political Arguments Go Wrong.Ole Sandberg - 2023 - In Eric R. Severson & Kevin C. Krycka (eds.), The psychology and philosophy of Eugene Gendlin: making sense of contemporary experience. New York, NY: Routledge.
    This chapter tries to make sense of a particular aspect of our contemporary experience: the so-called “post-truth era.” This era is characterized by strong polarization where it seems like the arguments and opinions of the opposing sides are informed by different realities. When beliefs are still held despite being debunked by contradicting evidence, it is easy to dismiss the opponent as “irrational,” resulting in breakdown of communication. This chapter argues that such beliefs may still feel right because they connect to (...)
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